Raising Godly Women

Season One Finale: Reflections in the Mirror

Sebra Ferrell Season 1 Episode 7

S01 – E07: Season One Finale: Reflections in the Mirror

Show Notes

Join Sebra for the Season One Finale! In this episode, she takes a look back and a look forward, while also sharing her recent Thorny Theresa experience. 
  In this episode:

  • Intro
  • Welcome to the Season One Finale (01:21)
  • An overview of the episode topics (01:48)
  • A review of the season (02:00)
  • Sebra’s confession of her Thorny Theresa season (04:43)
  • Encouragement to study the parable for yourself (07:25)
  • How to stay connected between seasons (08:07)
  • Sebra’s pearl of wisdom (10:24)
  • Thank you for listening (10:45)

Other Episodes in this Series:

·       The Parable of the Sower and the Seed:  The Journey Beginshttps://raisinggodlywomen.buzzsprout.com/1792483/9148694-the-journey-begins

·       The Parable of the Sower and the Seed:  The Women of the Soilshttps://www.buzzsprout.com/1792483/9188039-the-women-of-the-soils.  

·       The Parable of the Sower and the Seed: Good Ground Gabrielle (GIGi):  https://raisinggodlywomen.buzzsprout.com/1792483/9396084-good-ground-gabrielle-gigi

·       The Parable of the Sower and the Seed: Thorny Theresa: https://raisinggodlywomen.buzzsprout.com/1792483/9471505-thorny-theresa

·       The Parable of the Sower and the Seed: Rocky Raquel: https://raisinggodlywomen.buzzsprout.com/1792483/9572835-rocky-raquel

·       The Parable of the Sower and the Seed: Wayside Wendy:  https://raisinggodlywomen.buzzsprout.com/1792483/9999577-wayside-wendy

NOTE:  For a full description of each woman, check out the “Bonus Episode:  Soils of Our Heart located at https://raisinggodlywomen.buzzsprout.com/1792483/9749293-bonus-episode-soils-of-our-heart.   

 Scripture references:

  • The Parable of the Sower and the Seed:
    • Matthew 13:1-23
    • Mark 4:1-20
    • Luke 8:1-15


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S01 - E07 - Season One Finale – Reflections in the Mirror

[00:00:00] Sebra: Hi, my name is Sebra Ferrell, and I would like to welcome you to the Raising Godly Women podcast. I know. Why another podcast? Well, Raising Godly Women is about empowering a generation of women to empower the generation behind them. But what exactly does empowerment look like? Our goal is to help you become stronger, to help you become more confident in your everyday life, especially as it relates to your relationship with the Lord.

[00:00:31] As daughters of God, I'm sure you've heard about the Proverbs 31 woman and many of us, including me, we strive to be her. But what about the Titus 2 woman? She's that woman who shares what she's learned on her journey. She freely shares the tools God has given her with other women, especially those who are younger, maybe in age, or maybe even in faith to help them also become stronger and more confident.

[00:00:59] The Titus 2 woman, she's what Raising Godly Women is all about. Our goal is to share some of our tools with you in the hopes that whatever God does for you here, that you will freely share it with someone else. So again, welcome to Raising Godly Women. We sure hope you enjoy your journey with us. 

[00:01:21] Welcome to the Season One Finale. This is going to be a time for reflecting on our journey together. And we're also going to take a peek at what's to come. I want to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for allowing us to come into your life, to speak into your life through this season. And thank you for allowing me to share something so personal and so life transforming with each of you. 

[00:01:48] Since we began, we have shared a lot of information with you. And because I know from personal experience how overwhelming that can be, especially if you don't know what to do with it, I want to do three things.

[00:02:00] First. I want to take a moment, to review. Next, I want to share how you can stay connected with Raising Godly Women. And finally, I want to share a little bit about what you can look forward to in Season Two. 

[00:02:14] This entire season was dedicated to introducing you to the Parable of the Sower and the Seed and what we have named The Women of the Soils. We gave you an overview of this parable and each of the women, and then we launched into individual episodes so that you could learn more about our experiences as each of these women.

[00:02:35] It was in these individual episodes that I was blessed to have the Raising Godly Women team members come alongside me as we spoke with each other and questioned each other and shared our experiences as each of these women with you. So, our hope is that you tucked something into your tool belt for daily living that has enriched your life.

[00:03:00] As part of our review, I would like to reflect on what we've shared about this parable and about these women.

[00:03:08] The Parable of the Sower and the Seed can be found in Matthew chapter 13, Mark chapter four and Luke chapter eight. In this parable, Jesus describes four soils and each of these soils represent the soil of our heart. As I've shared before this parable has changed my life, but I was having a truly difficult time explaining what I'd learned to others in a way that was meaningful to them until the Holy Spirit inspired me to name the soils and then He brought them to life in the form of Wayside Wendy, Rocky Raquel, Thorny Theresa, and Good Ground Gabrielle.

[00:03:48] In a nutshell, Wayside Wendy represents those times when we hear the Word, but we don't understand it. So, the devil will immediately come and snatch that Word out of our heart. Rocky Raquel represents those times when we hear the Word, we like what we heard, but when that Word gets tested in our life, we immediately stumble.

[00:04:09] In other words, it sounded good until we had to put feet to it. And it's important to note that sometimes putting feet to God's Word isn't necessarily about what we do, but about what we allow God to do in our hearts through the seeds of His Word that have been planted there.

[00:04:30] This brings us to Thorny Theresa. She represents those times when we hear the Word, we do our best to take action on it, but when things don't go how we think they should, over time, we get faith weary. 

[00:04:43] Now, I have a confession to make. I just came out of a Thorny Theresa season where I was so faith weary that I hit my breaking point in a specific area of my life, but I thank God. I truly, truly thank God. The lessons from this podcast and things I had to reconnect to in order to begin preparations for Season Two helped to pull me out of that darkness, which enabled me to overcome this obstacle and to transition to our final soil. 

[00:05:16] And that final soil is Good Ground Gabrielle, affectionately known as GiGi. She represents the completeness of all these women because she understands the Word. She acts on the Word and she has the patience to keep the Word in her heart, no matter how difficult life gets. And we all know that's not always easy to do.

[00:05:40] I can honestly say, in this particular season for me, it was not easy for me to keep God's Word in my heart. It was a struggle, but I thank God because He got me through the struggle and He brought me to a different place and a different perspective when it comes to this particular situation that I was facing.

[00:06:01] So hopefully, going forward, when that challenge comes again, next time I'll be GiGi and I'll be able to produce a fruit that will help in the situation versus reacting to something and causing stress in the situation. 

[00:06:19] I do want to take a moment to stress the importance of understanding we can be each of these women, in each of these soils, at any given time and what we hope you tuck in your tool belt for life from this season is to be able to recognize where you are in a given situation. I can't begin to tell you how important it was for me to recognize I was in a Thorny Theresa season. And because I could see that, I was able to know what I needed to do in order to get past where I was.

[00:06:55] And I know sometimes that's hard. Believe me. It was hard for me, but as with all things, practicing seeing ourselves in each of these soils, as each of these women helps us better understand what's really going on in the hidden parts of our heart. And in this particular situation, God was able to show me a wound, an area of hurt in my heart that was not healed. I thank Him for healing it. 

[00:07:25] And on that note, I want to encourage you to take time to study this parable for yourself so you can make it personal to you, because what we have shared will encourage and empower you, what God gives you may be a totally different insight than what He has given us.

[00:07:42] He may give you something that will add value to us as well as to you. So, if He does that, we hope that you'll take a moment to share with us on social media, because we know we are not the end all be all of what this parable says. We recognize that, so we hope that as you engage with us on social media, we will be able to learn from you. 

[00:08:07] As a matter of fact, social media is how you can stay connected to us while we are preparing Season Two. In the meantime, we're going to use social media to highlight the pearls of wisdom we've shared, insights we've gained along the way from our season with you. All of this is in preparation for Season Two, "Dress for the Journey", a fresh look at the armor of God. 

[00:08:32] I have studied this armor inside and out on multiple occasions, but because of the fresh perspective that God is going to bring forth in this next season, I'm looking forward to what He will share with all of us as we go forward. And because I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, let me close out this episode by painting a picture I hope we can all relate to. 

[00:09:00] Imagine yourself going on a trip. You're going through your closet deciding what to pack. After all, you're not going to take business clothes on vacation or vacation clothes on a business trip. Instead, you're going to pack clothes that are suitable to your destination and what you will need for daily living while you are there. As you pack, you might discover that you need to go shopping for some essential items to take with you.

[00:09:25] I don't know about anyone else, but man, those little travel size items that you have to put in that little plastic bag that goes in your carry on so you can send your carry on through security. A whole lot of times I end up having to run to the store for toothpaste or any of those other essential items that we need, but that they have to be in those little bitty three ounce or five ounce or however many ounces it's supposed to be size in order to put them in my carry on.

[00:09:54] That's what social media is going to be for us. As we close out Season One and prepare for Season Two, we are going to put what we consider essential items for our journey through life on social media. And we hope, we'd love for you to go shopping there for anything that you might need to help you on your journey. Feel free to tuck what you need in your tool belt for daily living and feel free to leave the rest in the store. After all, it'll be there if you need it in the future. 

[00:10:24] And on that note, I close Season One with this pearl of wisdom: our journey through the Parable of the Sower and the Seed is about getting to know the soil of our heart so we can properly dress for the journey God has laid out before us. May we choose our clothes wisely?

[00:10:45] Khara: Thank you for listening to the Raising Godly Women podcast and taking this journey with us to be the Titus 2 women. We pray that the seeds of God's Word shared today fell on great soil, and that soil is in your heart. Now, we hope that through these pearls of wisdom, that you have gained the tools to help you become stronger to help you become more confident in your everyday life, most especially as it relates to your walk with the Lord. We also hope that you will share your tools with those who are younger in age, or even maybe younger in faith to help them become stronger and confident as well, so that they can help share with other women passing the baton to the generation behind them.

[00:11:25] Khara: Just imagine the ripple effect, our sharing can have not only in our generation, but also the generations to come to build and strengthen the body of Christ as we all come together to empower each other. So, until we meet again, feel free to join the Raising Godly Women community. Let's talk about your connection with this episode on social media in the comment section. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram at Raising Godly Women. Be sure to tag us because we love to have you connect and be a part of the family. And on that note, may the Lord hear from you and keep you, may he make his face shine upon you and be gracious onto you? May the Lord shine his face towards you and give you peace. Shalom daughters of God. Shalom.